5 Exciting Games Your Pup Would Enjoy

Lahiba Rasheed Khan
3 min readAug 21, 2021

“ A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” — Josh Billings

This quote is more than enough reason to own a dog as a pet! Dogs are adopted by approximately 63 million households in the USA alone. Play behaviors stimulate them mentally and physically and develop their cognitive, problem-solving, and social skills. Playing with your dog also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

In this article, we will discuss 5 fun games that will keep your dog fit and entertained.

1) Fetch:

Dogs are genetically wired to run. Fetch is a great way to use this instinct harmlessly. It also helps your dog to understand and follow instructions. Throw a tennis ball or a frisbee at variable distances and see your dog chasing it like a knight in shiny armor. The best part is it can be played in the park and even in your living room on rainy days.

2) Hide and Seek:

Dogs are practically kids at heart. Llike every child, they love this game. This game hones their instinctive ability to pick up scents. ‘Find the Treats’ is another variant. The latter polishes their ability to follow verbal commands. By playing this game, your pooch will be killing two birds with one stone! That is, they will develop new skills and will get a treat. All in all, it can shape your dog into a smart cookie.

3) Chase the Prey:

Dogs, like other canines, have inborn prey instincts. Attach your pup’s favorite toy from a flirt pole and make your dog chase it. This fun game helps your dog to concentrate and teaches them when to start and stop the chase. Let your dog win in their quest from time to time. Trust us. You do not want to look into those sad puppy eyes!

4) Tug of War:

Tug of war is everything a game is supposed to be ― fun, energetic, and engaging. It involves physical strength and mental focus. Winning a game of tug of war motivates your dog to put in the effort to get a reward. This can also turn into a great bonding moment between you and your pet. There is a common misconception that this game can provoke aggressive behavior in dogs. This myth was debunked by a study published in 2003.

5) Pool/Lake Games:

What, according to you, is the best way to beat the heat on a sunny afternoon? If you ask us, we would suggest chilling in a pool. Take your four-legged friend to the pond and let him have fun. You can keep your dog’s attention by playing the games mentioned above. Or, you can explore new games too. However, keep in mind that your dog may be the best pet in town, but they may not be the best swimmer. Take necessary precautions to ensure your dog’s safety.

Final Verdict:

A dog is a man’s best friend, and it’s never a bad idea to hang out with your best friend. We know, some days you might be a little too busy for that. But keep in mind that you are all your adorable furry friend has got.

We tried to discuss the best games we could think of. Do you think we missed any fun games? Let us know in the comments below!

