5 Healthy Workout Moves To Do At Home

Lahiba Rasheed Khan
3 min readSep 22, 2021


According to a review published in 2018, exercise contributes to longevity and an enhanced quality of life. It also prevents and delays the onset of many diseases. The lockdowns imposed during this pandemic or an otherwise busy schedule have detrimental effects on people’s health and fitness. Since desperate times call for desperate measures, you can have a workout routine even when you are stuck at home!

Sit back tight and let us help you navigate through 5 easy home based exercises!

1) Plank:

Are you afraid that sitting idle at home and not putting strain on your body would make you lazy or sloppy? If so, then we are here to help eradicate your concern. Plank is a great full-body exercise that helps you tone down your muscles. It also strengthens the core which can help reduce back pain by improving a person’s gait, alignment, and posture. The cherry on top is that this exercise has different variations. Pick the one that suits you the best and take one step closer to your goals!

2) Lunges:

Lunge or split squat is a multi-joint exercise. It increases the strength of the hip and knee muscles. From weight loss to improved coordination and balance. And from toughening up your spine to proper body alignment. This exercise has all the benefits you can get from a workout routine. You may find it difficult as a beginner, but keep your goal in mind. Remember why you are doing it, be resilient, and see the results in no time!

3) Pushups:

Let’s be honest, we all hate going to the gym after a long and tiring day at work. If you are on the lookout for exercises that can be done anywhere then pushups are just the right drill for you! Pushups are a great way to increase upper body power. According to a study published by JAMA, men who can do more than 40 pushups are at a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

4) Sit-ups:

Wanting to become a paramount picture of health is what most of us desire. Sit-ups are a great way to bridge this gap between your dreams and reality. It is shown to increase the endurance of your abdominal muscles and hip flexors. Always remember that growing your muscle mass does not necessarily equate to a healthy body. A strong core is of utmost importance to stay fit.

5) Skipping:

Trust us when we say we know how depressing it can be when you are out of shape. Skipping is the ultimate solution to this problem! It’s an excellent cardio regimen that boosts your stamina. A study conducted in the USA concluded that skipping rope for 10 minutes is as efficient as jogging for 30 minutes. This study also reported its ability to reduce the incidence of heart diseases.

Bottom line:

Staying active and healthy is what every person strives for. Consistency is the key when it comes to keeping your body in shape. In this article, we have listed down some exercises that can help you stay as fit as a fiddle. What at-home exercises do you perform? Leave behind a comment and let us know!

